Mathematical Software
Abstract and Linear Algebra
- A C++ program for Computing Primitive Polynomials of degree n modulo p for any value of n and p < 2147483648
- An in-depth Primitive Polynomial Tutorial on the algorithms used.
Signal Processing
- C++ code for a power of two Fast Fourier Transform
Communication (Information) Theory
Pseudonoise Sequences
Computer Science
- Game of Life written in Javascript whose grid is the surface of a torus.
Formal Language Theory
- LR(k) and LALR(k) Parser Generator and Parser which allows epsilon productions written in Common Lisp
- LR(k) and LALR(k) Parsing Theory briefly explained.
Software Engineering
- Setting up a software development environment for Mac OS and Linux (Ubuntu).
- Deriving formulas for Mortgage Loans written as a LaTeX file and here is a syntax highlighted LaTeX source listing Here's the wonderful Not So Short Introduction to LATEX
- Periodic payment investment return using SageMath