1<!DOCTYPE html>
   2<html lang="en-US">  <!-- Set language of this page to USA English. -->
   4    <!-- ===========================================================================================
   5    |
   6    | NAME
   7    |
   8    |     webDesign.html
   9    |
  11    |
  12    |     Examples of my web page design.
  13    |     It is a hand-crafted HTML 5 W3C validated document.
  14    |
  15    | AUTHOR
  16    |
  17    |    Sean Erik O'Connor
  18    |
  19    ============================================================================================ -->
  21    <head>
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  28        <!-- Titles appear in the web browser and the browser's bookmarks. -->
  29        <title>DESIGN OF MY WEB PAGE</title>
  31        <!-- Search engines will show this description below the title. -->
  32        <meta name="description" content="Examples of HTML, CSS, Javascript used in my web page design." >
  34        <meta name="author" content="Sean Erik O'Connor" >
  36        <meta name="copyright" content="Copyright (C) 1999-2024 by Sean Erik O'Connor.  All Rights Reserved.">
  38        <!-- Configure and load MathJax -->
  39        <script src="../Scripts/load-mathjax.js" async></script>
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  51    <body class="technicalReport">
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  56            <!-- Title page at the top.  -->
  57            <header class="title">
  58                <h1 class="stylish">Web Page Design Examples</h1>
  59                <hr>
  60            </header>
  62            <!-- Horizontal navigation bar to all top level pages. -->
  63            <header class="navigation">
  64                <a href="../index.html">
  65                    <img src="../Images/home.png" alt="Home Page Button." width="32" height="32" >
  66                     <em>Home</em>
  67                 </a>
  69                 <a href="../Mathematics/mathematicalSoftware.html">
  70                     <img src="../Images/compactDisk.png" alt="Mathematical Software Button." width="32" height="32" >
  71                      <em>Mathematical Software</em>
  72                 </a>
  74                 <a href="../Art/Art.html">
  75                     <img src="../Images/sampleArtLowRes.png" alt="Art Button." width="32" height="32" >
  76                      <em>Fine Arts</em>
  77                 </a>
  79                 <a href="webPageDesign.html">
  80                     <img src="../Images/home.png" alt="Web Design Button." width="32" height="32" >
  81                      <em>Web Page Design</em>
  82                 </a>
  84                 <a href="../Electronics/Electronics.html">
  85                     <img src="../Images/sparkCoil.png" alt="Hobby Electronics Button." width="32" height="32" >
  86                      <em>Hobby Electronics</em>
  87                 </a>
  89                 <a href="../ReadingList/readingList.html">
  90                      <img src="../Images/terraApollo17NASALowRes.png" alt="Reading List Button." width="32" height="32">
  91                      <em>Reading list</em>
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  95            <!-- A decorative border at the left side of the page. -->
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  97                  <img class="border" src="../Images/sinXYPlot.png" alt="Sin( x y ) Image Border.">
  98            </aside>
 100            <!-- Table of contents in a navigation side bar using local hyperlinks within the page to each section. -->
 101            <nav>
 102                <ul>
 103                    <li><a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
 104                    <li><a href="#ContentAndGraphicDesign">Content And Graphic Design</a></li>
 105                    <li><a href="#DirectoryStructure">Directory Structure</a></li>
 106                    <li><a href="#Hypertext">Hypertext</a></li>
 107                    <li><a href="#Javascript">Javascript</a></li>
 108                    <li><a href="#StyleSheets">StyleSheets</a></li>
 109                    <li><a href="#ServerSide">Server Side</a></li>
 110                    <li><a href="#Basics">Basics</a></li>
 111                    <li><a href="#Headers">Headers</a></li>
 112                    <li><a href="#Email">email</a></li>
 113                    <li><a href="#Navigation">Navigation</a></li>
 114                    <li><a href="#Hyperlinks">Hyperlinks</a></li>
 115                    <li><a href="#InlineStyles">Inline Styles</a></li>
 116                    <li><a href="#ParagraphStyles">Paragraph Styles</a></li>
 117                    <li><a href="#Lists">Lists</a></li>
 118                    <li><a href="#Scrollbox">Scroll Box</a></li>
 119                    <li><a href="#Images">Images</a></li>
 120                    <li><a href="#Tables">Tables</a></li>
 121                    <li><a href="#Tooltips">Tooltips</a></li>
 122                    <li><a href="#Gallery">Gallery</a></li>
 123                    <li><a href="#Movies">Movies</a></li>
 124                    <li><a href="#Forms">Forms</a></li>
 125                    <li><a href="#SVG">SVG</a></li>
 126                    <li><a href="#Canvas">Canvas</a></li>
 127                    <li><a href="#GoogleSearch">Google Search</a></li>
 128                    <li><a href="#TypesettingMathematics">Typesetting Mathematics</a></li>
 129                    <li><a href="#Maintainance">Maintainance</a></li>
 130                    <li><a href="#DevelopmentEnvironment">Development Environment</a></li>
 131                    <li><a href="#Hosting">Hosting</a></li>
 132                    <li><a href="#Viewing">Viewing</a></li>
 133                    <li><a href="#GettingListed">Getting Listed</a></li>
 134                    <li><a href="#Communicating">Communicating</a></li>
 135                </ul>
 136            </nav>
 138            <!-- The main content of this page. -->
 139            <article id="TopOfPage" class="content">
 140                <h2 style="display: none ;">&nbsp;</h2>
 142                <section>
 143                    <h3 id="Introduction">Introduction</h3>
 145                    <p>
 146                        I explain all the steps involved in creating, designing, hosting and maintaining my web pages.
 147                    </p>
 148                </section>
 150                <section>
 151                    <h3 id="ContentAndGraphicDesign">Content and Graphic Design</h3>
 153                    <p>
 154                        <strong>Content</strong> is the most important, but your web page should be pleasant to read.  
 155                        I use the design advice in
 156                        <a href="https://www.learningwebdesign.com/">
 157                        Learning Web Design, 4th Edition, A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
 158                        and Web Graphics by Jennifer Niederst Robbins</a>
 159                    </p>
 161                    <p>
 162                    <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/CSS_layout/Responsive_Design">Responsive Web Design</a>
 163                    is a collection of fluid techniques which make web pages look good on both mobile or laptop screens.
 164                    CSS tools such as <a href="https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/">flexboxes</a> and
 165                    <a href="https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/complete-guide-grid/">grids</a> are a big part of fluid positioning.
 166                    Web browsers have built-in developer tools which simulate different mobile and laptop screens.
 167                    </p>
 169                    <p>
 170                    I've used Mathematica to create <a href="../Images/WebSiteBackgroundPictures.nb.pdf">graphic designs</a> 
 171                    for my web pages and business cards.
 172                    </p>
 173                </section>
 175                <section>
 176                    <h3 id="DirectoryStructure">Directory Structure</h3>
 178                    <p>
 179                    The main web page <em>index.html</em> goes in the top level directory.
 180                    All other items are sorted into subdirectories.  
 181                    For example, images go into directories named <em>/Images</em>.  Image files are of type .png or .jpg.
 182                    </p>
 183                </section>
 185                <section>
 186                    <h3 id="Hypertext">Hypertext</h3>
 188                    <p>
 189                        Web pages are written in
 190                        <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html/">HTML 5</a>
 191                        using guidance from the book 
 192                            <a href="https://diveintohtml5.info/">Diving into HTML 5</a>
 193                        with occasional use of 
 194                            <a href="http://www.unicode.org/charts/">unicode</a>
 195                        I edit pages with the
 196                            <a href="http://www.vim.org">Vim</a>
 197                        text editor for which I've written simple vim scripts to help edit html and css.
 198                        I do a final check on each html file using 
 199                            <a href="http://validator.w3.org">validate</a>
 200                        from 
 201                            <a href="http://www.w3.org">W3C</a>'s service.
 202                    </p>
 203                </section>
 205                <section>
 206                    <h3 id="Javascript">Javascript</h3>
 208                    <p> 
 209                        I use <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript">Javascript</a> in my web pages.
 210                        The Javascript language has no classes, inheritance, constructors or instances;
 211                        there are only objects and delegation along the prototype chain.  
 212                        The commonly used <i>constructor function + new pattern</i> is very misleading and unnecessarily complex.
 213                        So forget classes+instances and read about
 214                        <a href="https://alistapart.com/article/prototypal-object-oriented-programming-using-javascript/">prototypal object oriented programming</a> 
 215                        and 
 216                        <a href="https://www.toptal.com/javascript/javascript-prototypes-scopes-and-performance-what-you-need-to-know">prototypes and performance</a> for an introduction.
 217                        Then read this series of books which explain 
 218                        <a href="https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS">basic JS concepts</a>.
 219                        Many textbooks like the excellent 
 220                        <a href="http://eloquentjavascript.net">Eloquent JavaScript</a>.
 221                        use the syntactic sugar which makes JS appear to be an OO language like C++ when itst core behavior is very different.
 222                    </p>
 223                </section>
 225                <section>
 226                    <h3 id="StyleSheets">Style Sheets</h3>
 228                    <p>
 229                        My documents use 
 230                        <a href="https://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/">CSS level 3 + SVG style sheets</a>.
 231                        I have one CSS
 232                            <a href="../StyleSheet.css.html">style sheet</a>
 233                        for all my documents, which I
 234                        <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/">validate</a>.
 235                        you can see an example of using styles in my HTML file
 236                            <a href="webPageDesign.html.html">webPageDesign.html</a>
 237                    </p>
 238                    <p>
 239                        You can use Firefox's web developer tools 
 240                        <em class="hotkey">Tools &#10148; Browser Tools &#10148; Web Developer Tools &#10148; Inspector</em>
 241                        to debug your CSS stylesheet.  You can point to HTML elements and see which style get inherited from which selectors.
 242                    </p>
 243                    <img class="centeredsmaller" src="Images/StyleSheetDebuggerFirefox.jpg" alt="Firefox web developer tools.">
 245                </section>
 247                <section>
 248                    <h3 id="ServerSide">Server Side</h3>
 250                    <p>
 251                        My server uses <em>Apache</em>.  Here are some server side fixups and optimizations 
 252                        which go into the 
 253                            <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/howto/htaccess.html">.htaccess</a>.
 254                        file which in the top level directory of the web site.
 255                    </p>
 257                    <ol>
 258                        <li>
 259                            Specify a <a href="../error404.html">personal error 404 page</a> for broken links and
 260                            <a href="http://nosuchpage.html">test it out here</a>
 261                        </li>
 263                        <li>
 264                            My host's Apache web server didn't recognize the C language header .h and Mathematica .nb 
 265                            file file types and was not allowing access to the files.
 266                            So I added the file extension type into my top-level .htaccess file on the server,
 267                        </li>
 269                        <li>
 270                            Server compresses web file types before sending.
 271                            The client side browsers will decompress it.
 272                        </li>
 274                        <li>
 275                            Server tells browsers to cache files locally for faster page loading.
 276                        </li>
 277                    </ol>
 279                    <p>
 280                    I use FileZilla ftp to manually upload the .htaccess file.  I upload all rest of the files with my
 281                    Python script <a href="#Maintainance">updateweb.py</a>  And here are some additional 
 282                    <a href="FreeserversFixes.pdf">Tips and Tricks</a> for my server.
 283                    </p>
 285                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 286                        # BEGIN ERROR DOCUMENT
 287                        # Personalized error document for broken links.
 288                        # See https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/custom-error.html
 289                        ErrorDocument 404 /error404.html
 290                        # END ERROR DOCUMENT
 292                        # BEGIN ADD MIME TYPE FOR FILES
 293                        # Tell the server to support a particular MIME type.
 294                        # See https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_mime.html#addtype
 295                        &amp;lt;FilesMatch "\.(h)$"&amp;gt;
 296                        &amp;lt;IfModule mod_headers.c&amp;gt;
 297                        Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
 298                        &amp;lt;IfModule&amp;gt;
 299                        &amp;lt;FilesMatch&amp;gt;
 300                        AddType text/plain h
 301                        AddType text/plain nb
 302                        Addtype text/plain for
 303                        Addtype text/plain FOR
 304                        # END ADD MIME TYPE FOR FILES
 306                        # BEGIN DEFLATE COMPRESSION
 307                        # Server will compress these MIME file types.  Browser will decompress.
 308                        # See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_deflate.html
 309                        &amp;lt;ifmodule mod_deflate.c&amp;gt;
 310                        AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/text text/html text/plain 
 311                        text/xml text/css application/x-javascript application/javascript
 312                        &amp;lt;ifmodule&amp;gt;
 313                        # END DEFLATE COMPRESSION
 315                        ## BEGIN BROWSER CACHING
 316                        # Ask the user's browser to cache certain file types for a limited time after 
 317                        # the first web page visit.  The server can then avoid resending them and page
 318                        # loads will be faster.  After the expiration time, files will be sent again.
 319                        # See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_expires.html
 320                        &amp;lt;IfModule mod_expires.c&amp;gt;
 321                        ExpiresActive On
 322                        ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 1 day"
 323                        ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 day"
 324                        ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 week"
 325                        ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 day"
 326                        ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 week"
 327                        ExpiresByType application/pdf "access plus 1 week"
 328                        ExpiresByType text/x-javascript "access plus 1 day"
 329                        ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash "access plus 1 month"
 330                        ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access plus 1 week"
 331                        ExpiresDefault "access plus 2 days"
 332                        &lt;IfModule&gt;
 333                        ## END BROWSER CACHING
 334                    </div> </div>
 335                </section>
 337                <section>
 338                    <h3 id="Basics">Basics</h3>
 340                    <p>
 341                    Top margin is from the bottom of this line to the dashed border below.  
 342                    Left margin is from edge of page (the body) to the left dashed border.
 343                    </p>
 345                    <p class="example">
 346                    This is a paragraph illlustrating contents, padding, border and margin.  Contents is white text with a blue
 347                    background.  Padding surrounds the contents and is the same color as the background.  
 348                    Padding extends into the light red dashed border by default.
 349                    Margin surrounds the border and is transparent.
 350                    I've turned on outlining (green dotted line) to show where the border ends and the margin begins.
 351                    </p>
 353                    <p class="example" style="background-clip: padding-box;">
 354                    This is a paragraph illlustrating contents, padding, border and margin.  Contents is white text with a blue
 355                    background.  Padding surrounds the contents and is the same color as the background.  
 356                    I've turned on outlining (green dotted line) to show where the border ends and the margin begins.
 357                    <br>
 358                    But now padding stops short of the border since added
 359                    <small>the CSS style modifier &lt;p class="example" style="background-clip: padding-box;"&gt;</small>
 360                    Margin surrounds the border and is transparent.
 361                    I've turned on outlining (green dotted line) to show where the border ends and the margin begins.
 362                    </p>
 364                    <p>
 365                    Bottom margin from above this line to the dashed border.
 366                    </p>
 368                </section>
 370                <section>
 371                    <h3 id="Headers">Headers</h3>
 373                    <!-- For illustration only.  HTML checkers will bark about placing a heading out of order -->
 374                    <h1 class="stylish">&lt;h1 class=&quot;stylish&quot;&gt;Stylish Header&lt;/h1&gt;</h1>
 376                    <h2>&lt;h2&gt;h2 header&lt;/h2&gt;</h2>
 377                    <h3>&lt;h3&gt;h3 header&lt;/h3&gt;</h3>
 378                    <h4>&lt;h4&gt;h4 header&lt;/h4&gt;</h4>
 379                    <h5>&lt;h5&gt;h5 header&lt;/h5&gt;</h5>
 380                    <h6>&lt;h6&gt;h6 header&lt;/h6&gt;</h6>
 381                </section>
 383                <section>
 384                    <h3 id="Email">Email</h3>
 386                    This is an email header:
 388                    <h2 class="email">
 389                        <!-- Javascript for hiding my email address from spambots yet it works as usual. -->
 390                        <script>
 391                            <!--
 392                            // Insert email address into this file's HTML.
 393                            var mailMessage = '<em>' + "email" + '</em>' ;
 394                            document.write( mailto( mailMessage ) ) ;
 395                            // -->
 396                        </script> 
 397                        me if you have questions or comments.
 398                    </h2>
 400                    produced with this code in the head:
 402                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 403                        &lt;!-- Javascript email utility --&gt;
 404                        &lt;script src="../Scripts/email.js"&lt;&gt;/script&gt;
 405                    </div> </div>
 407                    and this code in the body:
 409                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 410                        &lt;!-- Javascript for hiding my email address from spambots yet it works as usual. --&gt;
 411                        &lt;script&gt;
 412                        &lt;!--
 413                        // Insert email address into this file's HTML.
 414                        var mailMessage = '&lt;em&gt;' + "email" + '&lt;/em&gt;' ;
 415                        document.write( mailto( mailMessage ) ) ;
 416                        // --&gt;
 417                        &lt;/script&gt; 
 418                        me if you have questions or comments.
 419                    </div> </div>
 420                </section>
 422                <section>
 423                   <h3 id="Navigation">Navigation</h3>
 425                   The navigation sidebar on the left was produced with this code:
 427                   <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 428                       &lt;nav&gt;
 429                       &lt;ul&gt;
 430                       &lt;li&gt; List item &lt;/li&gt;
 431                       ...
 432                       &lt;li&gt; List item &lt;/li&gt;
 433                       &lt;/ul&gt;
 434                       &lt;/nav&gt;
 435                   </div> </div>
 437                A special "back to top" navigation button
 439                <nav class="backtotop"><a href="#TopOfPage">Back to top</a></nav>
 441                Used this way with a link:
 443                <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 444                 &lt;article id="TopOfPage" class="content"&gt;
 445                ...
 446                &lt;nav class="backtotop"&gt; &lt;a href="#TopOfPage"&gt;Back to top&lt;/a&lt;&gt;&lt;/nav&gt;
 447                </div></div>
 448                </section>
 450                <section>
 451                    <h3 id="Hyperlinks">Hyperlinks</h3>
 453                    <ul>
 454                        <li>
 455                        <a href="webPageDesign.html" title="I am the tooltip text!">Hyperlink to this page itself.</a>
 456                        Hover over the link to see the tooltip! 
 457                        </li>
 458                    </ul>
 460                    <img class="centeredsmallest" src="Images/htmlToolTip.jpg" alt="Tooltip image.">
 462                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 463                        &lt;ul&gt;
 464                        &lt;li&gt;
 465                        &lt;a href="webDesign.html" title="I am the tooltip text!"&gt;Hyperlink to this page itself.&lt;a&gt;
 466                        Hover over the link to see the tooltip!
 467                        &lt;/li&gt;
 468                        &lt;/ul&gt;
 469                    </div> </div>
 471                    <p class="box">
 472                    Note that tooltips only work on devices which support hover, e.g. computers with mouse, stylus or trackpad.  
 473                    They are not supported on mobile devices right now.
 474                    </p>
 476                </section>
 478                <section>
 479                    <h3 id="InlineStyles">Inline Styles</h3>
 481                    <h4>Fonts and Font Styles</h4>
 483                        <p>
 484                        <span style="font-size: 1.8rem; font-family: var(--serif);"> serif</span> &blacklozenge;
 485                        <span style="font-size: 1.5rem; font-family: var(--san-serif);"> san-serif</span> &blacklozenge;
 486                        <span style="font-size: 1.7rem; font-family: var(--monospace);"> monospace</span> &blacklozenge;
 487                        <span style="font-size: 2.1rem; font-family: var(--cursive);"> cursive</span> &blacklozenge;
 488                        <span style="font-size: 1.5rem; font-family: var(--fantasy);"> fantasy</span>
 489                        </p>
 491                        <p>
 492                        <i>
 493                            &lt;i&gt; italic text &lt;/i&gt;
 494                        </i> 
 495                        <br>
 497                        <strong>
 498                            &lt;strong&gt; strong text &lt;/strong&gt;
 499                        </strong>
 500                        <br>
 502                        <small>
 503                            &lt;small&gt; small text &lt;/small&gt;
 504                        </small>
 505                        <br>
 507                        <mark>
 508                            &lt;mark&gt; colored marker &lt;/mark&gt;
 509                        </mark>
 510                        <br>
 512                        <s>
 513                         &lt;s&gt;strike out &lt;/s&gt;
 514                        </s>
 515                        </p>
 517                        <p>
 518                        <a href="https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/html">HTML Entities</a> - for example &ContourIntegral; &amp;ContourIntegral; &infin; &amp;infin; &ctdot; &amp;ctdot;
 519                        </p>
 521                    <h4>Emphasized Text</h4>
 523                        <em>
 524                            &lt;em&gt; emphasized text &lt;/em&gt;
 525                        </em> 
 526                        <br>
 528                        <em class="warning">
 529                            &lt;em class="warning"&gt; warning &lt;/em&gt;
 530                        </em> 
 531                        <br>
 533                        <em class="caution">
 534                            &lt;em class="caution"&gt; caution &lt;/em&gt;
 535                        </em> 
 536                        <br>
 538                        <h3>&lt;h3&gt;h3 header&lt;/h3&gt; <em class="warning">&lt;em class="warning"&gt;emphasized text in header&lt;/em&gt;</em></h3>
 539                        <h3>&lt;h3&gt;h3 header&lt;/h3&gt; <em class="caution">&lt;em class="caution"&gt;emphasized text in header&lt;/em&gt;</em></h3>
 541                        <em class="wavy">
 542                            &lt;em class="wavy"&gt; Wiggle Wiggle &lt;/em&gt;
 543                        </em>
 544                        <br>
 545                        <br>
 547                        <em class="hotkey">
 548                            &lt;em class="hotkey"&gt; Blender hot key &lt;/em&gt;
 549                        </em> 
 550                        <br>
 552                    <h4>Pseudocode</h4>
 554                        <code>
 555                            pseudocode <em>code comment</em>
 556                            <i>indented once</i> 
 557                            <i><i>indented twice</i></i>
 558                            <i><i><i>indented thrice</i></i></i> <em>That's all the indents</em>
 559                        </code> 
 561                        <div class="scrollBoxMedium"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 562                        &lt;code&gt;
 563                        source code &lt;em&gt;Code Comment&lt;/em&gt;lt;em&gt;
 564                        &lt;i&gt;indented once&lt;/i&gt;
 565                        &lt;&lt;i&gt;indented twice&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/i&gt;
 566                        &lt;&lt;&lt;i&gt;indented thrice&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/i&gt;
 567                        &lt;/code&gt;
 568                        </div></div>
 570                    <h4>Colors</h4>
 571                       <span style="color: white; background-color: var(--kweilin-black);">--kweilin-black</span>
 572                       <span style="color: white; background-color: var(--greenish-black);">--greenish-black</span>
 573                       <br>
 574                       <span style="color: white; background-color: var(--warm-brown);">--warm-brown</span>
 575                       <span style="color: white; background-color: var(--dark-brown);">--dark-brown</span>
 576                       <br>
 577                       <span style="color: white; background-color: var(--canvas-gray);">--canvas-gray</span>
 578                       <span style="color: white; background-color: var(--dark-gray);">--dark-gray</span>
 579                       <span style="color: black; background-color: var(--light-gray);">--light-gray</span>
 580                       <span style="color: black; background-color: var(--dark-blue-gray);">--dark-blue-gray</span>
 581                       <span style="color: black; background-color: var(--light-blue-gray);">--light-blue-gray</span>
 582                       <span style="color: black; background-color: var(--lighter-blue-gray);">--lighter-blue-gray</span>
 583                       <span style="color: white; background-color: var(--art-gallery-blue-gray);">--art-gallery-blue-gray</span>
 584                       <br>
 585                       <span style="color: black; background-color: var(--light-yellow-tint);">--light-yellow-tint</span>
 586                       <br>
 587                       <span style="color: black; background-color: var(--light-red);">--light-red</span>
 588                       <br>
 589                       <span style="color: white; background-color: var(--art-gallery-blue);">--art-gallery-blue</span>
 590                       <span style="color: white; background-color: var(--zima-blue);">--zima-blue</span>
 591                       <span style="color: white; background-color: var(--light-blue);">--light-blue</span>
 592                       <span style="color: white; background-color: var(--dark-blue);">--dark-blue</span>
 593                       <span style="color: black; background-color: var(--very-light-blue);">--very-light-blue</span>
 594                       <span style="color: black; background-color: var(--light-blue-background);">--light-blue-background</span>
 595                       <span style="color: black; background-color: var(--lighter-blue-background);">--lighter-blue-background</span>
 596                       <span style="color: black; background-color: var(--light-blue-tint);">--light-blue-tint</span>
 597                       <span style="color: black; background-color: var(--light-blue-paper);">--light-blue-paper</span>
 598                       <span style="color: black; background-color: var(--light-blue-body-background);">--light-blue-body-background</span>
 599                       <span style="color: black; background-color: var(--cyan-tint);">--cyan-tint</span>
 601                       <p class="box">
 602                           <code> &lt;span style="color: white; background-color: var(--warm-brown);"&gt;warm-brown&lt;span&gt;</code>
 603                       </p>
 605                </section>
 607                <section>
 608                    <h3 id="ParagraphStyles">Paragraph Styles</h3>
 610                    <h4>Illustrated Paragraph</h4>
 612                    <div class="illustratedparagraph">
 613                        <p>
 614                            <a href="webPageDesign.html">
 615                                <img src="../Images/home.png" alt="Image of home." height="100" width="100" >
 616                                <em>illustrated paragraph</em>
 617                            </a>
 618                            with a hyperlinked image and text plus extra paragraph filler.
 619                            This image icon floats left within a paragraph as shown here.
 620                            “Our ignorance can be divided into problems and mysteries. 
 621                            When we face a problem, we may not know its solution, but we have insight, 
 622                            increasing knowledge, and an inkling of what we are looking for. When we 
 623                            face a mystery, however, we can only stare in wonder and bewilderment, 
 624                            not knowing what an explanation would even look like.” ― Noam Chomsky
 625                        </p>
 626                    </div>
 628                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 629                    &lt;div class="illustratedparagraph"&gt;
 630                        &lt;p&gt;
 631                            &lt;a href="hyperlink.html"&gt;
 632                                &lt;img src="../Images/home.png" alt="Image of home." height="64" width="64" /&gt;
 633                                &lt;em&gt;illustrated paragraph&lt;em&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
 634                            with a hyperlinked image
 635                            ...
 636                        &lt;/p&gt;
 637                    &lt;div&gt;
 638                    </div> </div>
 640                    <h4>Spaced out Paragraph</h4>
 642                    <p class="spacedout">
 643                        This paragraph of class "spacedout" has larger font and more vertical space between previous and next 
 644                        paragraphs.  "Solitude is painful when one is young, but delightful when one is more 
 645                        mature."  -Albert Einstein
 646                    </p>
 648                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 649                        This paragraph of class "spacedout" has larger font and more vertical space 
 650                        between previous and next...
 651                    </div></div>
 653                    <h4>Paragraph with Floating Figure</h4>
 655                    <figure>
 656                        <img src="Images/Yoicks.jpg" alt="Yoicks">
 657                        <img src="Images/CyberPowerPCUbuntuGauss.jpg" alt="CyberPowerPC">
 658                        <figcaption>
 659                            Fig 0.  Example of a figure.
 660                       </figcaption>
 661                    </figure>
 663                    <p>
 664                    The artist is the creator of beautiful things. 
 665                    </p>
 667                    <p>
 668                    To reveal art and conceal the artist is art's aim. The critic is he who 
 669                    can translate into another manner or a new material his impression of 
 670                    beautiful things.
 671                    </p>
 673                    <p>
 674                    The highest as the lowest form of criticism is a mode of autobiography. 
 675                    Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault.
 676                    </p>
 678                    <p>
 679                    Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the cultivated. For these there is hope. 
 680                    They are the elect to whom beautiful things mean only beauty.
 681                    </p>
 683                    <p>
 684                    There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.
 685                    </p>
 687                    <p>
 688                    The nineteenth century dislike of realism is the rage of Caliban seeing his own face in a glass.
 689                    </p>
 691                    <p>
 692                    The nineteenth century dislike of romanticism is the rage of Caliban not seeing his own face in a glass. 
 693                    The moral life of man forms part of the subject-matter of the artist, but the morality of art consists in the 
 694                    perfect use of an imperfect medium.
 695                    </p>
 697                    <p>
 698                    No artist desires to prove anything. Even things that are true can be proved. 
 699                    No artist has ethical sympathies. An ethical sympathy in an artist is an unpardonable mannerism of style. 
 700                    No artist is ever morbid. The artist can express everything.
 701                    </p>
 703                    <p>
 704                    Thought and language are to the artist instruments of an art. Vice and virtue are to the artist materials 
 705                    for an art. From the point of view of form, the type of all the arts is the art of the musician. 
 706                    From the point of view of feeling, the actor's craft is the type. All art is at once surface and symbol. 
 707                    Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.
 708                    </p>
 710                    <p>
 711                    Those who read the symbol do so at their peril. It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors. 
 712                    Diversity of opinion about a work of art shows that the work is new, complex, and vital. 
 713                    When critics disagree, the artist is in accord with himself. 
 714                    </p>
 716                    <p>
 717                    We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. 
 718                    The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely.
 719                    </p>
 721                    <p> 
 722                    All art is quite useless.
 723                    </p>
 725                    <i>
 726                    -Oscar Wilde, Preface to The Picture of Dorian Grey.
 727                    </i>
 729                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 730                        &lt;figure&gt;
 731                                &lt;img src="../Images/mailbox.png" alt="Mail Box Image" &gt;
 733                            &lt;figcaption&gt;
 734                                Fig 0.  Example of a figure.
 735                           &lt;/figcaption&gt;
 736                        &lt;/figure&gt;
 737                    </div> </div>
 739                    <h4>Block quote</h4>
 741                    <blockquote>
 742                        Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly 
 743                        and applying the wrong remedies.
 744                    <cite>Groucho Marx</cite>
 745                    </blockquote>
 747                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 748                        &lt;blockquote&gt;
 749                        Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly 
 750                        and applying the wrong remedies.
 751                        &lt;cite&gt;Groucho Marx&lt;/cite&gt;
 752                        &lt;/blockquote&gt;
 753                    </div></div>
 755                    <h4>Boxed Paragraph</h4>
 757                    <p class="box">
 758                    "To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a 
 759                    new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in 
 760                    science."  -Albert Einstein
 761                    </p>
 763                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 764                        &lt;p class="box"&gt;
 765                        "To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a 
 766                        &lt;/p&gt;
 767                    </div> </div>
 769                    <h4>Paragraph with Change Bar</h4>
 771                    <p class="changed">
 772                    “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” ― Edgar Degas
 774                    “Art is the only serious thing in the world. And the artist is the only 
 775                    person who is never serious.” ― Oscar Wilde
 776                    </p>
 778                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 779                        &lt;p class="changed"&gt;
 780                        “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” ― Edgar Degas
 781                        &lt;br&gt;
 782                        “Art is the only serious thing in the world. And the artist is the only 
 783                        person who is never serious.” ― Oscar Wilde
 784                        &lt;/p&gt;
 785                    </div> </div>
 787                    <h4>Footnote Paragraph</h4>
 789                    <p class="footnote">
 790                    "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the 
 791                    stars.” - Oscar Wilde
 792                    </p>
 794                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 795                        &lt;p class="footnote"&gt;
 796                        "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the 
 797                        &lt;/p&gt;
 798                    </div> </div>
 800                    <h4>Fine Print Paragraph</h4>
 802                    <p class="fineprint">
 803                    "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would 
 804                    ever get done."  -Ludwig Wittgenstein
 805                    </p>
 807                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 808                        &lt;p class="fineprint"&gt;
 809                        "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would 
 810                        &lt;/p&gt;
 811                    </div> </div>
 812                </section>
 814                <section>
 815                    <h3 id="Lists">Lists</h3>
 817                    <ul>
 818                        <li>Unordered list</li>
 819                        <li>img within a list 
 820                            <img src="../Images/home.png" alt="Home icon." height="16" width="16" >
 821                        </li>
 822                    </ul>
 824                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 825                        &lt;ul&gt;
 826                        &lt;li&gt;Unordered list&lt;li&gt;
 827                        &lt;li&gt;img within a list 
 828                            &lt;img src="../Images/home.png" alt="Home icon." height="16" width="16" /&gt;
 829                        &lt;li&gt;
 830                        &lt;/ul&gt;
 831                    </div> </div>
 833                    <ol>
 834                        <li>Ordered list</li>
 835                        <li>Ordered list</li>
 836                    </ol>
 838                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 839                         &lt;ol&gt;
 840                        &lt;li&gt;Ordered list&lt;li&gt;
 841                        &lt;li&gt;Ordered list&lt;li&gt;
 842                        &lt;/ol&gt;
 843                    </div> </div>
 845                    <ul class="bullet">
 846                        <li>Unordered list</li>
 847                        <li>Unordered list</li>
 848                        <li>Unordered list</li>
 849                    </ul>
 851                    <ul class="minorBullet">
 852                        <li>Unordered list</li>
 853                        <li>Unordered list</li>
 854                        <li>Unordered list</li>
 855                    </ul>
 857                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 858                        &lt;ul class="bullet"&gt;
 859                        &lt;li&gt;Unordered list&lt;li&gt;
 860                        &lt;li&gt;Unordered list&lt;li&gt;
 861                        &lt;li&gt;Unordered list&lt;li&gt;
 862                        &lt;/ul&gt;
 864                        &lt;ul class="minorBullet"&gt;
 865                        &lt;li&gt;Unordered list&lt;li&gt;
 866                        &lt;li&gt;Unordered list&lt;li&gt;
 867                        &lt;li&gt;&gt;Unordered list&lt;li&gt;
 868                    &lt;/ul&gt;
 869                    </div> </div>
 870                </section>
 872                <section>
 873                    <h3 id="Scrollbox">Scroll Box</h3>
 875                    <p>
 876                    We have the classes scrollBox, scrollBoxTiny, scrollBoxSmall, scrollBoxMedium, scrollBoxLarge, scrollBoxHuge.
 877                    The default is scrollBox, which are around 12 em high.  scrollBoxTiny is used for single lines, and scrollBoxHuge
 878                    is used when we want to see most of the text and not have to scroll up and down so much.
 879                    </p>
 881                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 882                    &lt;div class="scrollBox"&gt; &lt;div class="scrollBoxContent"&gt;
 883                    Default scroll box.
 884                    Default scroll box.
 885                    Default scroll box.
 886                    Default scroll box.
 887                    Default scroll box.
 888                    Default scroll box.
 889                    Default scroll box.
 890                    &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt;
 891                    </div> </div>
 893                    <div class="scrollBoxTiny"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 894                    &lt;div class="scrollBoxTiny"&gt; &lt;div class="scrollBoxContent"&gt;
 895                    Tiny scroll box.
 896                    &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt;
 897                    </div></div>
 899                    <div class="scrollBoxSmall"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 900                    &lt;div class="scrollBoxSmall"&gt; &lt;div class="scrollBoxContent"&gt;
 901                    Small scroll box.
 902                    Small scroll box.
 903                    Small scroll box.
 904                    Small scroll box.
 905                    Small scroll box.
 906                    Small scroll box.
 907                    Small scroll box.
 908                    &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt;
 909                    </div> </div>
 911                    <div class="scrollBoxMedium"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 912                    &lt;div class="scrollBoxMedium"&gt; &lt;div class="scrollBoxContent"&gt;
 913                    Medium scroll box.
 914                    Medium scroll box.
 915                    Medium scroll box.
 916                    Medium scroll box.
 917                    Medium scroll box.
 918                    Medium scroll box.
 919                    Medium scroll box.
 920                    &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt;
 921                    </div> </div>
 923                    <div class="scrollBoxLarge"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 924                    &lt;div class="scrollBoxLarge"&gt; &lt;div class="scrollBoxContent"&gt;
 925                    Large scroll box.
 926                    Large scroll box.
 927                    Large scroll box.
 928                    Large scroll box.
 929                    Large scroll box.
 930                    Large scroll box.
 931                    Large scroll box.
 932                    &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt;
 933                    </div> </div>
 935                    <div class="scrollBoxHuge"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 936                    &lt;div class="scrollBoxHuge"&gt; &lt;div class="scrollBoxContent"&gt;
 937                    Huge scroll box.
 938                    Huge scroll box.
 939                    Huge scroll box.
 940                    Huge scroll box.
 941                    Huge scroll box.
 942                    Huge scroll box.
 943                    Huge scroll box.
 944                    Huge scroll box.
 945                    Huge scroll box.
 946                    Huge scroll box.
 947                    Huge scroll box.
 948                    Huge scroll box.
 949                    Huge scroll box.
 950                    Huge scroll box.
 951                    Huge scroll box.
 952                    Huge scroll box.
 953                    Huge scroll box.
 954                    Huge scroll box.
 955                    Huge scroll box.
 956                    Huge scroll box.
 957                    Huge scroll box.
 958                    Huge scroll box.
 959                    Huge scroll box.
 960                    Huge scroll box.
 961                    Huge scroll box.
 962                    Huge scroll box.
 963                    Huge scroll box.
 964                    Huge scroll box.
 965                    Huge scroll box.
 966                    Huge scroll box.
 967                    Huge scroll box.
 968                    Huge scroll box.
 969                    Huge scroll box.
 970                    Huge scroll box.
 971                    Huge scroll box.
 972                    Huge scroll box.
 973                    Huge scroll box.
 974                    &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt;
 975                    </div> </div>
 976                </section>
 978                <section>
 979                    <h3 id="Images">Images</h3>
 981                    <p>
 982                    Centered images, from full width to smaller sizes.
 983                    </p>
 984                    <img class="centered" alt="artificer" src="Images/Artificer.jpg">
 985                    <img class="centeredsmaller" alt="artificer" src="Images/Artificer.jpg">
 986                    <img class="centeredsmallest" alt="artificer" src="Images/Artificer.jpg">
 988                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 989                    &lt;img class="centered" alt="artificer" src="Images/Artificer.jpg"&gt;
 990                    &lt;img class="centeredsmaller" alt="artificer" src="Images/Artificer.jpg"&gt;
 991                    &lt;img class="centeredsmallest" alt="artificer" src="Images/Artificer.jpg"&gt;
 993                    &lt;p&gt;
 994                    </div> </div>
 995                </section>
 997                <section>
 998                    <h3 id="Tables">Tables</h3>
1000                    <table>
1001                        <caption>This is a simple table</caption>
1003                        <tr>
1004                            <th>Table Header, Column 1</th>
1005                            <th>Table Header, Column 2</th>
1006                        </tr>
1008                        <tr>
1009                            <td>Row 1, Column 1.</td>
1010                            <td>Row 1, Column 2.</td>
1011                        </tr>
1013                        <tr>
1014                            <td>Row 1, Column 1.</td>
1015                            <td>Row 2, Column 2.</td>
1016                        </tr>
1017                    </table>
1019                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
1020                        &lt;table&gt;
1021                        &lt;tr&gt;
1022                        &lt;td&gt;First row of table.&lt;td&gt;
1023                        &lt;td&gt;First row of table, column 2.&lt;td&gt;
1024                        &lt;tr&gt;
1026                        &lt;tr&gt;
1027                        &lt;td&gt;Third row of table.&lt;td&gt;
1028                        &lt;tr&gt;
1029                        &lt;table&gt;
1030                    </div> </div>
1031                </section>
1033                <section>
1034                    <h3 id="Tooltips">Tooltips</h3>
1036                    <p class="box">
1037                    Note that tooltips only work on devices which support hover, e.g. computers with mouse, stylus or trackpad.  
1038                    They are not supported on mobile devices right now.
1039                    </p>
1041                    <p>
1042                    Here is an example tooltip modified a lot from
1043                    <a href="https://blog.logrocket.com/creating-beautiful-tooltips-with-only-css/">creating beautiful tooltips using CSS</a>
1044                    using the following HTML5 and CSS3+ technologies:
1045                    </p>
1047                    <ul>
1048                        <li> 
1049                            <a href=" https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/position">static, relative, absolute and sticky position</a>
1050                        </li>
1051                        <li> 
1052                            <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Containing_block">layout and contiaing blocks</a>
1053                        </li>
1054                        <li> 
1055                            <a href="https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/07/learning-to-use-the-before-and-after-pseudo-elements-in-css/">:before and :after pseudo-classes</a>
1056                        </li>
1057                        <li> 
1058                            <a href="https://www.sitepoint.com/how-why-use-html5-custom-data-attributes/">custom data attributes</a>
1059                        </li>
1060                    </ul>
1062                    <p>
1063                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. 
1064                    Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. 
1065                    Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own 
1066                    <span data-text="-Steve Jobs" class="tooltip">inner voice</span>.
1067                    And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and 
1068                    <span data-text="Steve Jobs again!" class="tooltip">intuition</span>.
1069                    </p>
1071                    <div class="scrollBoxSmall"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
1072                    &lt;span data-text="-Steve Jobs" class="tooltip"&gt;inner voice&lt;span&gt;
1073                    And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and 
1074                    &lt;span data-text="-Steve Jobs again!" class="tooltip"&gt;inner voice&lt;span&gt;
1075                    </div></div>
1077                    <p>
1078                    Most of the magic is in the CSS <a href="../StyleSheet.css.html">style sheet</a>.  
1079                    </p> 
1080                </section>
1082                <section>
1083                    <h3 id="Gallery">Art Gallery</h3>
1085                    <p>
1086                    An art gallery.
1087                    </p>
1090                    <div class="gallery">
1091                        <div class="painting" title="Fast PC.">
1092                            <a href="Images/CyberPowerPCUbuntuGauss.jpg">
1093                                <img src="Images/CyberPowerPCUbuntuGauss.jpg" alt="Fast PC.">
1094                            </a>
1095                            <p>Fast PC</p>
1096                        </div>
1098                        <div class="painting" title="Black and Gray Chalk on Paper.">
1099                            <a href="../Art/Images/ShiftSelectCornea.jpg">
1100                                <img src="../Art/Images/ShiftSelectCornea.jpg" alt="3D eye.">
1101                            </a>
1102                            <p>3D eye</p>
1103                        </div>
1105                        <div class="painting" title="Black and Gray Chalk on Paper.">
1106                            <a href="../Images/eye.png">
1107                                <img src="../Images/eye.png" alt="2D eye.">
1108                            </a>
1109                            <p>2D eye</p>
1110                        </div>
1112                        <div class="painting" title="Black and Gray Chalk on Paper.">
1113                            <a href="../Images/home.png">
1114                                <img src="../Images/home.png" alt="Home">
1115                            </a>
1116                            <p>Home</p>
1117                        </div>
1118                    </div>
1120                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
1121                        &lt;div class="painting" title="Fast PC."&gt;
1122                            &lt;a href="Images/CyberPowerPCUbuntuGauss.jpg"&gt;
1123                                &lt;img src="Images/CyberPowerPCUbuntuGauss.jpg" alt="Fast PC."&gt;
1124                            &lt;a&gt;
1125                            &lt;p&gt;Fast PC&lt;p&gt;
1126                        &lt;div&gt;
1127                    </div> </div>
1128                </section>
1130                <section>
1131                    <h3 id="Movies">Movies</h3>
1133                        <video width="320" height="240" controls>
1134                            <source src="Images/sean.mp4" type="video/mp4">
1135                            Your browser does not support the HTML5 video tag.
1136                        </video> 
1138                        <video width="200" height="100" controls>
1139                            <source src="Images/sean.mov" type="video/mp4">
1140                            Your browser does not support the HTML5 video tag.
1141                        </video> 
1143                        <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
1144                            &lt;video width="320" height="240" controls&gt;
1145                            &lt;source src="Images/sean.mp4" type="video/mp4"&gt;
1146                            Your browser does not support the HTML5 video tag.
1147                            &lt;video&gt;
1149                            &lt;video width="500" height="200" controls&gt;
1150                            &lt;source src="Images/sean.mov" type="video/mp4"&gt;
1151                            Your browser does not support the HTML5 video tag.
1152                            &lt;video&gt;
1153                        </div> </div>
1154                </section>
1156                <section>
1157                    <h3 id="Forms">Forms</h3>
1159                    <p>Form push button example showing my layout style and a very simple callback</p>
1161                    <form>
1162                        <ul>
1163                            <li>
1164                              <fieldset>
1165                                  <legend>Form Button</legend>
1166                                      <input type="button" onclick="alert( 'Do not push this button again!' )" value="Push Me!">
1167                                 </fieldset>
1168                            </li>
1169                        </ul>
1170                    </form>
1172                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
1173                    &lt;form&gt;
1174                        &lt;ul&gt;
1175                            &lt;li&gt;
1176                              &lt;fieldset&gt;
1177                                  &lt;legend&gt;Form Button&lt;/legend&gt;
1178                                      &lt;input type="button" onclick="alert( 
1179                                            'Do not push this button again!' )" value="Push Me!" /&gt;
1180                                 &lt;/fieldset&gt;
1181                            &lt;/li&gt;
1182                        &lt;/ul&gt;
1183                    &lt;/form&gt;
1184                    </div> </div>
1185                </section>
1187                <section>
1188                    <h3 id="SVG">SVG</h3>
1190                    <p>
1191                        <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)</a> is a language for describing vector graphics.
1192                        See the <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Introduction">Mozilla SVG Tutorial</a>
1193                    </p>
1195                    <p>
1196                        I use <a href="https://inkscape.org">Inkscape</a> to do the drawing and generate the SVG file.
1197                        Here's an example, where I've drawn a picture in Inkscape, and saved it to an *.svg file.  
1198                        Load the *.svg image as you would any image, except I have <em>background: transparent;</em> in the style sheet
1199                        so the SVG draws on top of the page, just like a drawing on paper.
1200                        Thus the image size fills the containing box (this paragraph) and resizes with the browser window.
1201                        <img class="transparent" alt="Yoicks" src="Images/Yoicks.svg" >
1202                    </p>
1204                    <p>
1205                        <em>Yoicks</em> by Sean Erik O'Connor is licensed under the Creative Commons license
1207                        <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/?ref=chooser-v1" 
1208                           target="_blank" 
1209                           rel="license noopener noreferrer" 
1210                           style="display:inline-block;">CC BY-ND 4.0
1211                            <img style="height:22px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" 
1212                                src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg?ref=chooser-v1" 
1213                                alt="">
1214                            <img style="height:22px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" 
1215                                 src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/by.svg?ref=chooser-v1" alt="">
1216                            <img style="height:22px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" 
1217                                 src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/nd.svg?ref=chooser-v1" alt=""></a>
1218                    </p>
1220                    <div class="scrollBoxSmall"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
1221                        &lt;img class="transparent" src="Images/Yoicks.svg" &gt;
1222                    </div></div>
1224                </section>
1226                <section>
1227                    <h3 id="Canvas">Canvas</h3>
1229                    <p>
1230                        <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/2dcontext/">Canvas Specification</a>
1231                    </p>
1233                    <canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="225">
1234                        Your browser does not support the canvas API!
1235                    </canvas>
1237                    <script>
1238                        function draw()
1239                        {
1240                            var canvas = document.getElementById( "canvas" ) ;
1241                            var context = canvas.getContext( "2d" ) ;
1242                            var gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 300, 0 ) ;
1243                            gradient.addColorStop( 0, "green" ) ;
1244                            gradient.addColorStop( 1, "red" ) ;
1245                            context.fillStyle = gradient ;
1246                            context.fillRect( 0, 0, 150, 100 ) ;
1247                            context.fillStyle = "rgba( 0, 0, 100, 0.5 )" ;
1248                            context.fillRect( 100, 50, 150, 100 ) ;
1249                        }
1251                        /* Or you can call from <body onload="draw();"> */
1252                        draw() ;
1253                    </script>
1255                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
1256                        &lt;canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="225"&gt;
1257                        Your browser does not support the canvas API!
1258                        &lt;canvas&gt;
1260                        &lt;script&gt;
1261                        function draw()
1262                        {
1263                            var canvas = document.getElementById( "canvas" ) ;
1264                            var context = canvas.getContext( "2d" ) ;
1265                            var gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 300, 0 ) ;
1266                            gradient.addColorStop( 0, "green" ) ;
1267                            gradient.addColorStop( 1, "red" ) ;
1268                            context.fillStyle = gradient ;
1269                            context.fillRect( 0, 0, 150, 100 ) ;
1270                            context.fillStyle = "rgba( 0, 0, 100, 0.5 )" ;
1271                            context.fillRect( 100, 50, 150, 100 ) ;
1272                        }
1274                        /* Or you can call from &lt;body onload="draw();"&gt; */
1275                        draw() ;
1276                        &lt;/script&gt;
1277                    </div> </div>
1278                </section>
1280                <section>
1281                    <h3 id="GoogleSearch">Google Search</h3>
1283                    <!-- Form to search my site with Google.  From Google's free tools web page.  -->
1284                    <form method="get" action="http://www.google.com/search">
1286                        <div id="GoogleForm">
1287                            <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8">
1288                            <input type="hidden" name="oe" value="UTF-8">
1290                            <!-- Required Google logo -->
1291                            <a href="http://www.google.com/"> <img src="http://www.google.com/logos/Logo_25wht.gif" alt="Google">
1292                            </a>
1294                            <!-- A text input control for the (q)uery search string. -->
1295                            <input type="text" name="q" size="32" maxlength="255" value="Primitive Polynomial">
1297                            <!-- Submit button:  submits this form when activated. -->
1298                            <input type="submit" name="btnG" value="Search my site">
1300                            <!-- The URL of my site to search.
1301                                  Determine which server we are on and use the appropriate hyperlink.
1302                                  Use comments to hide this Javascript from older browsers.
1303                            -->
1304                            <script>
1305                            <!-- 
1306                                var hostname = location.href
1307                                var prefix = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sitesearch\" value=\"http://"
1308                                var suffix = ".com\">"
1310                                if (hostname.match( "atspace" ))
1311                                {
1312                                    document.write( prefix + "seanerikoconnor.atspace" + suffix )
1313                                }
1314                                else if (hostname.match( "freeservers" ))
1315                                {
1316                                    document.write( prefix + "seanerikoconnor.freeservers" + suffix )
1317                                }
1318                                else if (hostname.match( "file" ))
1319                                {
1320                                    document.write( prefix + "seanerikoconnor.freeservers" + suffix )
1321                                }
1322                             // -->
1323                            </script> 
1324                        </div>
1325                    </form>
1327                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
1328                        &lt;!-- Form to search my site with Google.
1329                             From Google's free tools web page.
1330                          --&gt;
1331                        &lt;form method="get" action="http://www.google.com/search"&gt;
1333                            &lt;div id="GoogleForm"&gt;
1334                                &lt;input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8" /&gt;
1335                                &lt;input type="hidden" name="oe" value="UTF-8" /&gt;
1337                                &lt; Required Google logo --&gt;
1338                                &lt;a href="http://www.google.com/"&gt;
1339                                        &lt;img src="http://www.google.com/logos/Logo_25wht.gif"
1340                                             alt="Google" /&gt;
1341                                &lt;a&gt;
1343                                &lt; A text input control for the (q)uery search string. --&gt;
1344                                &lt;input type="text" name="q" size="32" maxlength="255"
1345                                       value="Primitive Polynomial" /&gt;
1347                                &lt; Submit button:  submits this form when activated. --&gt;
1348                                &lt;input type="submit" name="btnG" value="Search my site" /&gt;
1350                                &lt; The URL of my site to search.
1351                                      Determine which server we are on and use the appropriate hyperlink.
1352                                      Use comments to hide this Javascript from older browsers.
1353                                --&gt;
1354                                &lt;script&gt;
1355                                &lt; 
1356                                    var hostname = location.href
1357                                    var prefix = "&lt;input type=\"hidden\" 
1358                                        name=\"sitesearch\" value=\"http://"
1359                                    var suffix = ".com\" /&gt;
1361                                    if (hostname.match( "atspace" ))
1362                                    {
1363                                        document.write( prefix + "seanerikoconnor.atspace" + suffix )
1364                                    }
1365                                    else if (hostname.match( "freeservers" ))
1366                                    {
1367                                        document.write( prefix + "seanerikoconnor.freeservers" + suffix )
1368                                    }
1369                                    else if (hostname.match( "file" ))
1370                                    {
1371                                        document.write( prefix + "seanerikoconnor.freeservers" + suffix )
1372                                    }
1373                                     // --&gt;
1374                                &lt;script&gt;
1375                            &lt;div&gt;
1376                        &lt;form&gt;
1377                    </div> </div>
1378               </section>
1380               <section>
1381                   <h3 id="TypesettingMathematics">Typesetting Mathematics</h3>
1383                    <h4>Math on the Web</h4>
1385                    <p>
1386                        I use <a href="https://www.mathjax.org/">MathJax</a> to typeset equations.
1387                        I write equations in $\LaTeX$ in both inline or display style, using single or double 
1388                        dollar sign delimiters.
1389                        Here's the wonderful <a href="../Finance/lshort.pdf">Not So Short Introduction to LATEX</a>
1390                    </p>
1392                    <p>
1393                        For example, the Navier-Stokes equation is 
1394                          ${{V} \over { \partial t }} + \left( V \bullet \nabla \right) V = 
1395                          {{ - \nabla p} \over { \rho_0}} + \nu \triangle V + F$, $\quad \nabla \bullet 
1396                            V = 0$, $\quad V |_{\partial \Omega} = 0$.
1397                    </p>
1399                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
1400                      dollarsign dollarsign
1401                      {{V} \over { \partial t }} + \left( V \bullet \nabla \right) V = 
1402                      {{ - \nabla p} \over { \rho_0}} + \nu \triangle V + F, \quad \nabla \bullet V = 0
1403                      \quad V |_{\partial \Omega} = 0
1404                      dollarsign dollarsign
1405                    </div> </div>
1407                    <p>
1408                    The Frobenius norm is 
1409                    $\| A \|_2 \equiv  
1410                    \sum_{ij} | A_{ij} |^2 \equiv 
1411                    \sqrt { tr( A^T A ) }$.
1412                    and the error function is defined to be
1413                    $ \operatorname{erfc}(x) = 
1414                    \frac{2}{\sqrt{\bar{\pi}}} \int_x^{\infty} e^{-t^2}\,dt 
1415                    = \frac{e^{-x^2}}{x\sqrt{\pi}}\sum_{n=0}^\infty (-1)^n \frac{(2n)!}{n!(2x)^{2n}} 
1416                    $
1417                    </p>
1419                    <p>
1420                    The Frechet derivative of a vector norm, 
1421                    $$
1422                    Df(x)h =
1423                     \lim_{t \rightarrow 0}
1424                     { 
1425                         {  f( x + t h) - f(x) }
1426                         \over
1427                         {t}
1428                     } 
1429                     $$
1430                     $$
1431                      = 
1432                     \lim_{t \rightarrow 0}
1433                     { 
1434                        { \sqrt{ {\| x \|}^2 + 2 \lt x | t h \gt + {\| t h \|}^2 } - \| x \|}
1435                         \over
1436                         {t}
1437                     } 
1438                    $$
1439                    </p>
1441                    <p>
1442                    A circulant matrix equation,
1443                    $$
1444                    \left( 
1445                    \begin{array} { cccccc }
1446                    a^{sn}     & a^{s(n-1)}  & \ldots &  a^s       & 1 \\
1447                    a^{s(n+1)} & a^{sn}      & \ldots & a^{s+1}    & a^s \\
1448                    \ldots \\
1449                    a^{s(2n)}  & a^{s(2n-1)} &\ldots  & a^{s(n+1)} & a^{sn}
1450                    \end{array} 
1451                    \right)
1452                    X
1453                    =
1454                    \left( 
1455                    \begin{array} { c }
1456                    c_{n} \\
1457                    c_{n-1} \\
1458                    \ldots \\
1459                    c_0
1460                    \end{array} 
1461                    \right)
1462                    $$   
1463                    </p>
1465                    <p>
1466                    a Fourier transform sum,
1467                    $$   
1468                    \sum_{k_0=0}^1  \sum_{k_1=0}^1\ldots 
1469                    \sum_{k_{g-1}=0}^1 
1470                    \quad \times
1471                    $$   
1472                    $$   
1473                    \bar{x}(k_{g-1}, k_{g-2}, \ldots , k_0)
1474                    \quad \times
1475                    $$   
1476                    $$   
1477                    W^{ (n_0) (2^{g-1}k_{g-1})} 
1478                    W^{(2 n_1 + n_0) (2^{g-2}k_{g-2})} 
1479                    W^{(2^{g-1} n_{g-1} + \ldots + n_0) (k_0)}
1480                    $$   
1481                    <p>
1483                    <p>
1484                    and a normalized cross-correlation,
1485                    $$
1486                    P = \frac{\displaystyle{
1487                    \sum_{i=1}^n (x_i- x) (y_i- y)}} 
1488                    {\displaystyle{\left[ \sum_{i=1}^n(x_i-x)^2 
1489                    \sum_{i=1}^n(y_i- y)^2 \right]^{1/2}}}
1490                    $$
1491                    Update form for mean,
1492                    $$
1493                    M_{n+1}= {{\sum_{i=1}^{n+1} x_i} \over 
1494                        {n+1}}
1495                    ={M_n } {n \over n+1} + {x_{n+1} \over {n+1}}
1496                    $$
1497                    </p>    
1499                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
1500                    Update form for mean,
1501                    dollarsign dollarsign
1502                    M_{n+1}= {{\sum_{i=1}^{n+1} x_i} \over 
1503                        {n+1}}
1504                    ={M_n } {n \over n+1} + {x_{n+1} \over {n+1}}
1505                    dollarsign dollarsign
1506                    </div> </div>
1508                    <p>
1509                    MathJax will show you the source code for the equation with a right 
1510                    click over the equation, or you can set hover to show the equation source.
1511                    </p>
1513                    <figure>
1514                        <img src="Images/MathJaxShowMathAs.jpg" alt="MathJax Show Math As" >
1515                        <img src="Images/MathJaxEquationsSource.jpg" alt="MathJax Equation Source" >
1517                        <figcaption>
1518                            Right click on the mathematical symbols to get a MathJax menu.
1519                        </figcaption>
1520                    </figure>
1522                    <h4>Setting up MathJax</h4>
1524                    <p>
1525                    To set up MathJax for your web page, put this into your &lt;head&gt; section before loading the style sheet,
1526                    </p>
1528                    <div class="scrollBoxSmall"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
1529                        &lt;!-- Configure and load MathJax --&gt;
1530                        &lt;script src="../Scripts/load-mathjax.js" async&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
1531                    </div></div>
1533                    <p>
1534                    Put this script into your <em>/Scripts</em> directory which configures and loads MathJax in 
1535                    three different ways:
1536                    </p>
1538                    <ul>
1539                        <li>From MathJax files in the /mathjax directory on my local development platform (MacBook Pro).</li>
1540                        <li>From MathJax files in the /mathjax directory on my web host (after 
1541                            uploading the directory to my web host).</li>
1542                        <li>Otherwise from CDN URL for MathJax.</li>
1543                    </ul>
1545                    <ul class="download">
1546                        <li class="downloadName">load-mathjax.js</li>
1547                        <li class="downloadDescription">Load MathJax Javascript.</li>
1548                        <li class="downloadView"> 
1549                            <a href="../Scripts/load-mathjax.js.html">
1550                                <img src="../Images/eye.png" alt="Eye icon for source code viewing." width="30" height="30" >View</a>
1551                        </li>
1552                        <li class="download"> 
1553                            <a href="../Scripts/load-mathjax.js" download="../Scripts/load-mathjax.js">
1554                                <img src="../Images/compactDisk.png" alt="Compact disk icon for source code download." width="25" height="25" >Download</a>
1555                        </li>
1556                    </ul>
1558                    <p>
1559                    Not happening now, but this used to happen with a 2018 version of MathJax:
1560                    </p>
1562                    <p>
1563                    I was getting timeouts loading the italic font from my server, 
1564                    but not for my local web page on my MacBook Pro host.  
1565                    So I added the following .htaccess file in mathjax/fonts which fixed the 
1566                    problem.
1567                    My Apache web server didn't recognize the .woff font file type and was 
1568                    not allowing access to the files as explained in
1569                    <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/howto/htaccess.html">
1570                           Apache how to for htaccess</a>.
1571                    </p>
1573                    <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
1574                        &lt;FilesMatch "\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff)$"&gt;
1575                        &lt;IfModule mod_headers.c&gt;
1576                        Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
1577                        &lt;/IfModule&gt;
1578                        &lt;/FilesMatch&gt;
1579                        AddType application/x-font-woff woff
1580                    </div> </div>
1581               </section>
1583               <section>
1584                    <h3 id="Maintainance">Maintainance</h3>
1586                    <p>
1587                    In the top level directory, I have a 
1588                    <a href="../ComputerScience/DevelopmentEnvironment/macLinuxComputerSetupForDevelopers.html#PROGRAMMINGLANGUAGES">Python</a>
1589                    script called <em>updateweb.py</em> which maintains this site.  Some of its features:
1590                    </p>
1592                    <ul>
1593                        <li>Automatic generation of syntax highlighted source code listings.</li>
1594                        <li>Automatic search and replace any type of text (e.g. old copyright notices) in all hypertext and source files.</li>
1595                        <li>Delete temporary files and directories generated by compilers.</li>
1596                        <li>Upload the changed web pages files to my host web site.</li>
1597                    </ul>
1599                    <p>
1600                    <em>updateweb Version 7.1 - A Python utility program which maintains my web site</em> is distributed under the terms of the
1601                    <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/">GNU General Public License</a>.
1602                    </p>
1604                    <ul class="download">
1605                        <li class="downloadName">updateweb.py</li>
1606                        <li class="downloadDescription">Update Web Page Script</li>
1607                        <li class="downloadView"> 
1608                            <a href="MaintainWebPage/updateweb.py.html">
1609                                <img src="../Images/eye.png" alt="Eye icon for source code viewing." width="30" height="30" >View</a>
1610                        </li>
1611                        <li class="download"> 
1612                            <a href="MaintainWebPage/updateweb.py" download="MaintainWebPage/updateweb.pys">
1613                                <img src="../Images/compactDisk.png" alt="Compact disk icon for source code download." width="25" height="25" >Download</a>
1614                        </li>
1616                        <li class="downloadName">updateweb.yaml</li>
1617                        <li class="downloadDescription">Update Web Page YAML configuration file (demo example only).</li>
1618                        <li class="downloadView"> 
1619                            <a href="MaintainWebPage/updateweb.yaml.html">
1620                                <img src="../Images/eye.png" alt="Eye icon for source code viewing." width="30" height="30" >View</a>
1621                        </li>
1622                        <li class="download"> 
1623                            <a href="MaintainWebPage/updateweb.yaml" download="MaintainWebPage/updateweb.yaml">
1624                                <img src="../Images/compactDisk.png" alt="Compact disk icon for source code download." width="25" height="25" >Download</a>
1625                        </li>
1626                    </ul>
1628                    <p>
1629                    I still need to submit each page to a final 
1630                    <a href="https://validator.w3.org/checklink/">link check</a>
1631                    as web links undergo software rot.
1632                    </p>
1633               </section>
1635               <section>
1636                    <h3 id="DevelopmentEnvironment">Development Environment</h3>
1638                    <figure>
1639                        <a href="Images/Artificer.jpg">
1640                            <img src="Images/Artificer.jpg" 
1641                                 height="250" width="400"
1642                                 alt="Artificer laptop running macOS.">
1643                        </a>
1644                        <figcaption>MacBook Pro laptop running macOS.</figcaption>
1645                    </figure>
1647                    <p style="clear:both">
1648                    I do my development on my MacBookPro 16-inch, 2021 Apple M1 Max laptop running macOS Sonoma 14.5 (23F79)
1649                    on which I have loaded a variety of 
1650                    <a href="../ComputerScience/DevelopmentEnvironment/macLinuxComputerSetupForDevelopers.html"><em>software designer's tools</em></a>
1651                    I also develop on a CyberPowerPC Series C 2019 ET8880-1202 running Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa).
1652                    </p>
1654                    <figure>
1655                        <a href="Images/CyberPowerPCUbuntuGauss.jpg">
1656                            <img src="Images/CyberPowerPCUbuntuGauss.jpg" 
1657                                 height="350" width="600"
1658                                 alt="CyberPower PC running Ubuntu Linux">
1659                        </a>
1660                        <figcaption>CyberPower PC running Ubuntu Linux.</figcaption>
1661                    </figure>
1662               </section>
1664               <section>
1665                    <h3 id="Hosting">Hosting</h3>
1667                    <p>
1668                    I use Freeservers, which I have used for a number of years with
1669                    excellent results.  I used to use the file manager in the 
1670                    <a href="http://seanerikoconnor.freeservers.com/cgi-bin/login">
1671                        member</a> 
1672                    area, but now I use my 
1673                    <a href="#Maintainance">automatic updater program</a>.
1674                    </p>
1676                    <p>
1677                    I use AT&amp;T DSL with a wireless transceiver so I can communicate
1678                    to my laptop.
1679                    Once upon a time, I connected through the phone on a separate line 
1680                    using a modem with 
1681                    <a href="http://www.netzero.net/index.html">Netzero</a>
1682                    as my ISP.
1683                    </p>
1684               </section>
1686               <section>
1687                    <h3 id="Viewing">Viewing</h3>
1689                    <p>
1690                    I check my web page appearance in the 
1691                    <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/">Firefox</a>,
1692                    <a href="https://www.apple.com/safari/">Safari</a>,
1693                    <a href="http://www.opera.com">Opera</a>, and
1694                    <a href="https://www.chromium.org/Home">Chromium</a>
1695                    internet browsers, and on iPad and iPhone devices.
1696                    </p>
1697               </section>
1699               <section>
1700                    <h3 id="GettingListed">Getting Listed</h3>
1702                    <p>
1703                    Some tips on submitting the site to search engines are given in 
1704                    <a href="https://searchenginewatch.com/">search engine watch</a>.
1705                    I test search for my site using 
1706                    <a href="http://www.google.com/">Google</a>.
1707                    </p>
1708               </section>
1710               <section>
1711                    <h3 id="Communicating">Communicating</h3>
1713                    <p>
1714                    I also occasionally post some specific areas of my site on the
1715                    <a href="https://groups.google.com/forum/#!overview">newsgroups</a>.
1716                    </p>
1717               </section>
1719            </article>
1721            <footer class="footnote">
1722                <hr>
1724                <!-- A copyright to preserve my legal rights. -->
1725                <p class="footnote">
1726                    Copyright &copy; 1986-2024 by Sean Erik O'Connor.
1727                    All Rights Reserved.
1728                    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
1729                    last updated 09 Nov 25.
1730                </p>
1731            </footer>
1732        </div> <!-- wrapper -->
1733    </body>