| FFT.cpp
| This program does an in-place one dimensional complex discrete
| Fourier transform. It uses an FFT algorithm for a number of
| input points which is a power of two. It's implemented in C++
| as a derived class of the STL vector type.
| Sean O'Connor 19 November 2005
| FFT Version 1.6 - An FFT utility library in C++.
| Copyright (C) 2005-2024 by Sean Erik O'Connor. All Rights Reserved.
| This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
| the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
| (at your option) any later version.
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| GNU General Public License for more details.
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
| along with this program. If not, see .
| The author's address is seanerikoconnor!AT!gmail!DOT!com
| with !DOT! replaced by . and the !AT! replaced by @
| Include Files |
#include // Basic stream I/O.
#include // File stream I/O.
#include // String stream I/O.
#include // Basic math functions.
#include // Complex data type and operations.
#include // STL vector class.
#include // Iterators.
#include // STL string class.
#include // Exceptions.
#include // Constants like pi_v
using namespace std ; // Let us omit the std:: prefix for every STL class.
#include "FFT.hpp" // Our own FFT stuff.
| FastFourierTransform
| Default constructor. Just call the base class constructor for
| the vector type, then initialize the derived class field.
: vector< complex >()
, direction( false )
// Get the sine and cosine tables initialized.
| ~FastFourierTransform
| Destructor. Doesn't need to do much.
| FastFourierTransform
| Copy constructor.
FastFourierTransform::FastFourierTransform( const FastFourierTransform & transform )
: vector< complex >( transform ) // Initialize base class first.
// Copy derived class stuff.
direction = transform.direction ;
| =
| Assignment operator.
FastFourierTransform & FastFourierTransform::operator=( const FastFourierTransform & transform )
// Check for initializing to oneself: pass back a reference to the unchanged object.
if (this == &transform)
// Pass back the object so we can concatenate assignments.
return *this ;
// Call base class assignment operator first.
FastFourierTransform::operator=( transform ) ;
// Assignment for derived class fields.
direction = transform.direction ;
// Pass back the object so we can concatenate assignments.
return *this ;
| fft
| This member function does an in-place one dimensional complex
| discrete Fourier transform. It uses an FFT algorithm for a number
| of input points which is a power of two.
| direction The direction of the FFT, true for a forward transform and
| false for an inverse transform.
| Throws FastFourierTransform type exceptions for the cases where
| -Number of points in the transform is less than 2.
| -Number of points is greater than the sine/cosine table can handle.
| -Number of points is not a power of 2.
| Suppose the vector contains the data
| X ( 0 ) = 1 + i
| X ( 1 ) = 2 + 2 i
| X ( 2 ) = 3 + 3 i
| X ( 3 ) = 4 + 4 i
| then the forward FFT returns
| X ( 0 ) = 5 + 5 i
| X ( 1 ) = -2
| X ( 2 ) = -1 - i
| X ( 3 ) = - 2 i
| and the inverse FFT returns the original data to within roundoff.
| ^
| The Fourier coefficients X( k ) are defined for k = 0, . . ., N - 1
| by the formula
| N - 1 2 Pi i
| ^ 1 ____ - ------ j k
| X( k ) = --------- \ N
| ----- / X( j ) e
| \ / N ----
| v j = 0
| where e is 2.1718 . . ., Pi = 3.14159. . . and i is the square root
| of -1.
| This is the formula for the forward transform. The inverse transform
| is the same, except that the minus sign in the exponent above is a
| plus sign instead.
| ---
| The normalizing factor 1 / \/ N in front was picked so that the
| forward and inverse transforms look the same.
| The particular type of FFT algorithm we use is a
| Complex,
| Two to the N,
| Decimation in frequency,
| Input in order, output bit reversed
| type of FFT. It is described in the book
| F. Oran Brigham, Prentice Hall, 1974
| Also see my notes for an in-depth explanation.
| The bit-reversal routine could be made faster by using bit shifting
| operations.
| You might want to use long double precision complex numbers to get more
| accuracy.
| Check for a power of 2 probably ought to use the machine's floating point
| epsilon (computed automatically).
void FastFourierTransform::fft( bool direction )
// Number of complex points in the FFT from the vector's size.
unsigned int N = this->size() ;
* Compute log base 2 of N. Perturb slightly to avoid roundoff error.
* For example, (int)( 4.99999999999 ) = 4 (wrong!), but
* (int)( 4.999999999 + .01 ) = 5 (correct!)
int log_of_n = (int) ( log( (FloatType) N ) / ( log( 2.0 ) ) + .01 ) ;
* Error checking. Print a message to the terminal if any one of these
* conditions is true:
* N < 2.
* log2( N ) > MAX_TABLE_SIZE + 1.
* N is not a power of 2.
if (N < 2)
ostringstream os ;
os << "FFT has less than two points. N = " << N << " file: " << __FILE__ << " line: " << __LINE__ ;;
throw FastFourierTransformException( os.str() ) ;
else if ( (log_of_n - 1) > MAX_TABLE_SIZE)
ostringstream os ;
os << "FFT has too many points for its sin/cos table. Table size = " << MAX_TABLE_SIZE << " file: " << __FILE__ << " line: " << __LINE__ ;
throw FastFourierTransformException( os.str() ) ;
else if ( (int) pow( 2.0, log_of_n ) != N )
ostringstream os ;
os << "Number of points in the FFT is not a power of 2. N = " << N << " file: " << __FILE__ << " line: " << __LINE__ ;;
throw FastFourierTransformException( os.str() ) ;
* If called_already is false, generate the sine and cosine table for
* the first time, then set called_already to true. Now later calls to
* this function don't recreate the sine and cosine table.
if (!called_already)
for (int i = 0 ; i <= MAX_TABLE_SIZE - 1 ; ++i)
// Current angle in sine and cosine table.
FloatType angle = -PI / pow( (FloatType) 2, (FloatType) i ) ;
// e^t = cos t + i sin t
starting_multiplier[ i ] = complex(cos(angle), sin(angle)) ;
called_already = true ;
* Compute the FFT according to its signal flow graph with
* computations arranged into butterflies, groups of butterflies
* with the same multiplier, and columns.
int butterfly_height = N / 2 ;
int number_of_groups = 1 ;
* A column refers to a column of the FFT signal flow graph. A group is
* a collection of butterflies which have the same multiplier W^p. A
* butterfly is the basic computational unit of the FFT.
for (int column = 1 ; column <= log_of_n ; ++column)
// The multiplier W^p for a group of butterflies.
complex multiplier = starting_multiplier[ column - 1 ] ;
// Modify starting multiplier W^p when computing the inverse transform.
if (direction == false)
multiplier = conj( multiplier ) ;
// Difference between current multiplier and next.
complex increment = multiplier ;
// Compute the first group.
for (int i = 0 ; i <= butterfly_height - 1 ; ++i)
// Lower branch of a butterfly.
int offset = i + butterfly_height ;
complex temp = (*this)[ i ] + (*this)[ offset ] ;
(*this)[ offset ] = (*this)[ i ] - (*this)[ offset ] ;
(*this)[ i ] = temp ;
// Now do the remaining groups.
for (int group = 2 ; group <= number_of_groups ; ++group)
// Array index of first butterfly in group.
int start_of_group = reverse_bits( group - 1, log_of_n ) ;
// Array index of last butterfly in group.
int end_of_group = start_of_group + butterfly_height - 1 ;
// Compute all butterflies in a group.
for (int i = start_of_group ; i <= end_of_group ; ++i)
int offset = i + butterfly_height ;
// Temporary storage in a butterfly calculation.
complex product = (*this)[ offset ] * multiplier ;
complex temp = (*this)[ i ] + product ;
(*this)[ offset ] = (*this)[ i ] - product ;
(*this)[ i ] = temp ;
multiplier *= increment ;
} // end group
butterfly_height = butterfly_height / 2 ;
number_of_groups = number_of_groups * 2 ;
} // end column
// Normalize the results by \/ N and permute them into order, two at a time.
FloatType normalizer = (FloatType) 1.0 / sqrt( (FloatType) N ) ;
for (int i = 0 ; i <= N - 1 ; ++i)
// Bit-reversed array index i.
int rev_i = reverse_bits( i, log_of_n ) ;
if ( rev_i > i ) // Exchange is not yet done.
complex temp = (*this)[ i ] ;
(*this)[ i ] = (*this)[ rev_i ] * normalizer ;
(*this)[ rev_i ] = temp * normalizer ;
else if ( rev_i == i ) // exchange with itself
(*this)[ i ] = (*this)[ i ] * normalizer ;
return ;
} /* ====================== end of function fft ============================= */
| reverse_bits
| This function reverses the order of the bits in a number.
| n The number whose bits are to be reversed.
| num_bits The number of bits in N, counting leading zeros.
| The number N with all its num_bits bits reversed.
| reverse_bits( (10) , 2 ) = (01) = 1, but
| 2 2
| reverse_bits( (10) , 3 ) = reverse_bits( (010) , 3 ) = (010) = (10)
| 2 2 2 2
| = 10
| The algorithm works by a method similar to base conversion.
| As the low order bits are broken off, one by one, they are
| multiplied by 2 and accumulated to generate the bit-reversed
| number.
| The bit-reversal routine could be made faster by using C shift operators.
int FastFourierTransform::reverse_bits( int n, int num_bits )
remainder = n, // Bits remaining to be reversed.
reversed_n = 0 ; // Bit-reversed value of n.
for (int bit_num = 1 ; bit_num <= num_bits ; ++bit_num)
int bit = remainder % 2 ; /* Next least significant bit. */
reversed_n = bit + 2 * reversed_n ; /* Shift left and add to buffer. */
remainder = (int)( remainder / 2 ) ; /* Remaining bits. */
return( reversed_n ) ;
} /* ===================== end of function reverse_bits ===================== */
| Forced Template Instantiations |
// C++ doesn't automatically generate templated classes or functions until they
// are first used. So depending on the order of compilation, the linker may say
// the templated functions are undefined.
// Therefore, explicitly instantiate ALL templates here:
template FastFourierTransform::FastFourierTransform() ;
template FastFourierTransform::FastFourierTransform( const FastFourierTransform & ) ;
template FastFourierTransform::~FastFourierTransform() ;
template void FastFourierTransform::fft( bool ) ;
template FastFourierTransform::FastFourierTransform() ;
template FastFourierTransform::FastFourierTransform( const FastFourierTransform & ) ;
template FastFourierTransform::~FastFourierTransform() ;
template void FastFourierTransform::fft( bool ) ;