/*============================================================================== | | NAME | | ppPolynomial.hpp | | DESCRIPTION | | Header file for all the polynomial classes. | | User manual and technical documentation are described in detail in my web page at | http://seanerikoconnor.freeservers.com/Mathematics/AbstractAlgebra/PrimitivePolynomials/overview.html | | LEGAL | | Primpoly Version 16.4 - A Program for Computing Primitive Polynomials. | Copyright (C) 1999-2025 by Sean Erik O'Connor. All Rights Reserved. | | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or | (at your option) any later version. | | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | GNU General Public License for more details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. | | The author's address is seanerikoconnor!AT!gmail!DOT!com | with !DOT! replaced by . and the !AT! replaced by @ | ==============================================================================*/ // Wrap this header file to prevent duplication if it is included // accidentally more than once. #ifndef __POLYNOMIAL_H__ #define __POLYNOMIAL_H__ /*============================================================================= | | NAME | | PolynomialError | PolynomialRangeError | | DESCRIPTION | | Exception classes for classes Polynomial and PolyMod | derived from the STL exception class runtime_error. | +============================================================================*/ // General purpose exception for a polynomial. class PolynomialError : public runtime_error { public: // Throw with error message, file name and line number. PolynomialError( const string & description, const string & file, const int & line ) : runtime_error( description + " in file " + file + " at line " + to_string(line) ) { } ; // Throw with an error message. PolynomialError( const string & description ) : runtime_error( description ) { } ; // Throw with default error message. PolynomialError() : runtime_error( "Polynomial error: " ) { } ; } ; // end class PolynomialError // Typically thrown when we parse a bad string which is not a proper polynomial. class PolynomialRangeError : public PolynomialError { public: // Throw with error message, file name and line number. PolynomialRangeError( const string & description, const string & file, const int & line ) : PolynomialError( description + " in file " + file + " at line " + to_string(line) ) { } ; // Throw with an error message. PolynomialRangeError( const string & description ) : PolynomialError( description ) { } ; // Throw with default error message. PolynomialRangeError() : PolynomialError( "Polynomial range error: " ) { } ; } ; // end class PolynomialRangeError /*============================================================================= | | NAME | | Polynomial | | DESCRIPTION | | Represents the monic polynomial f( x ) of degree n, with | coefficients in GF( p ). Precisely, | | n n-1 | f( x ) = x + a x + ... a x + a 0 <= a < p | n-1 1 0 i | | The constant polynomial is of degree 0. | | We support these basic operations: | | Polynomial f ; Construct f(x) = 0 mod 2. | | Polynomial f( f2 ) ; Copy, f(x) = f2(x) | Polynomial f = f2 ; Overwrite, f(x) = f2(x) | Polynomial f( "x^2+1, 3" ) ; Polynomial from string. | String s = f ; Poly to string. | stream << p Read the poly. | p >> stream Print the poly. | p1 == p2, p1 != p2 Test for equality. | f[ i ] = coeff Set poly coefficient. | f.deg() Return the degree of f(x). | f.modulus() Return the modulus p of f(x). | int coeff = f[ i ] Get poly coefficient. | f(x) + g(x) Add poly mod p. | f(x) Evaluate f(x) for integer x | f.hasLinearFactor() Check if f(x) has any linear factors. | f.isInteger() Is f(x) = constant? | f.firstTrialPoly() Set f(x) = x^n - 1 | f.nextTrialPoly() Set f(x) = next poly in sequence. | | Exceptions: throw PolynomialError or one of its subclasses such as | PolynomialRangeError. | | NOTES | | The member functions and friends are documented in ppPolynomial.cpp | +============================================================================*/ class Polynomial { public: // Default constructor which sets f(x) = 0 modulo 2. Polynomial() ; // Constructor for a polynomial from a vector of integers. explicit Polynomial( const vector ) ; // Destructor. virtual ~Polynomial() ; // Copy constructor. Polynomial( const Polynomial & g ) ; // Assignment. virtual Polynomial & operator=( const Polynomial & g ) ; // String to polynomial assignment. virtual Polynomial & operator=( string s ) ; // Construct from string: // Polynomial p( "x^2 + 2 x + 1, 3" ) ; // If modulus isn't specified, use the one in specified in the // polynomial string. Polynomial( string s, ppuint p = 0 ) ; // Operator casting to string type. operator string() const ; // Equality tests. friend bool operator==( const Polynomial & p1, const Polynomial & p2 ) ; friend bool operator!=( const Polynomial & p1, const Polynomial & p2 ) ; // cout << p and cin >> p friend ostream & operator<<( ostream & out, const Polynomial & p ) ; friend istream & operator>>( istream & in, Polynomial & p ) ; // Bounds checked indexing operator which allows an lvalue: // p[ i ] = coeff ; ppuint & operator[]( int i ) ; // Bounds checked indexing operator for read only access: // coeff = p[ i ] ; const ppuint operator[]( int i ) const ; // Return the degree n of f(x). int deg() const ; // Return the modulus p of f(x). ppuint modulus() const ; // Set the modulus p of f(x). void setModulus( const ppuint p ) ; // Addition modulo p: f(x) + g(x) mod p friend const Polynomial operator+( const Polynomial & f, const Polynomial & g ) ; // Addition. Polynomial & operator+=( const Polynomial & g ) ; // Scalar multiple. friend const Polynomial operator*( const Polynomial & f, const ppuint k ) ; Polynomial & operator*=( const ppuint k ) ; // Evaluation: f( x ) mod p ppuint operator()( int x ) ; // Does f(x) have any linear factor? bool hasLinearFactor() ; // Is f(x) an integer? bool isInteger() const ; // Only to show how we override a virtual function in C++. We actually don't need to define this function here in the base class. virtual void initialTrialPoly( const ppuint n, const ppuint p ) { throw PolynomialError( "Trying to call initialTrialPoly() from Polynomial class instead of its child class TrialPolynomial", __FILE__, __LINE__ ) ; } ; // Private data accessible by member functions only, and // derived classes for convenience. protected: vector f_ ; // Polynomial coefficients: // f_[0] = const coeff ... f_[n] = nth degree coeff. // then f_.size() = n+1 int n_ ; // Degree of the polynomial. ppuint p_ ; // Coefficients are in GF( p ). ModP mod ; // modulo p functionoid. } ; /*============================================================================= | | NAME | | TrialPolynomial | | DESCRIPTION | | Trial polynomial used in primitivity testing. Just a Polynomial with | a couple of functions to initialize and iterate over a sequence of | polynomials. | | NOTES | +============================================================================*/ // final means a derived class won't be able to override any of the virtual // functions. class TrialPolynomial final : public Polynomial { using Polynomial::Polynomial ; // Inherit all the base class constructors. public: // First trial polynomial. Set // n // f( x ) = x - 1 // override makes the compiler check the args AND the return type also // to make sure there's an exact match to the base class function. virtual void initialTrialPoly( const ppuint n, const ppuint p ) override ; // Update f( x ) := next polynomial in sequence. void nextTrialPoly() ; } ; /*============================================================================= | | NAME | | PolyMod | | DESCRIPTION | | Represents the monic polynomial g( x ) of degree m with coefficients in GF( p ), | | m m-1 | g( x ) = x + a x + ... + a 0 <= a < p | m-1 0 i | | modulo f( x ) for monic polynomial f( x ) of degree n over GF( p ), | | n n-1 | f( x ) = x + a x + ... + a 0 <= a < p | n-1 0 i | | We support these basic operations: | | PolyMod p() ; Set g(x)=0 and f(x) = 0 mod 2 | Destructor. | PolyMod p( g, f ) Constructor from polynomials g(x) and f(x) | PolyMod p( p2 ) Copy p(x) = p2(x). | PolyMod p = p2 Assign p(x) = p2(x). | p.timesX() ; p(x) := x p( x ) (mod f( x ), p) | 2 | p.square() ; p(x) := p( x ) (mod f( x ), p) | p *= p2 Do p(x) = p(x) * p2(x) (mod f( x ), p) | p1 * p2 Do p1(x) * p2(x) (mod f( x ), p) | m | p.power( m ) p(x) = x (mod f(x), p) | | Exceptions: throw PolynomialError or one of its subclasses such as | PolynomialRangeError. | | NOTES | | The member functions and friends are documented in ppPolynomial.hpp | +============================================================================*/ // Friends of PolyMod ppuint autoConvolve( const Polynomial & t, const int k, const int lower, const int upper ) ; ppuint coeffOfSquare( const Polynomial & g, const int k, const int n ) ; ppuint coeffOfProduct( const Polynomial & s, const Polynomial & t, const int k, const int n ) ; ppuint convolve( const Polynomial & s, const Polynomial & t, const int k, const int lower, const int upper ) ; class PolyMod { public: // Set g( x ) = 0 modulo f(x) = 0 and p = 2 PolyMod() ; // Destructor. virtual ~PolyMod() ; // Construct from polynomials g(x) and f(x). PolyMod( const Polynomial & g, const Polynomial & f ) ; // Construct from string g and polynomial f(x). PolyMod( const string & g, const Polynomial & f ) ; // Operator casting g(x) to string type. operator string() const ; // cout << p prints g(x) to output stream friend ostream & operator<<( ostream & out, const PolyMod & p ) ; // Copy g( x ) = g2( x ). PolyMod( const PolyMod & g2 ) ; // Assign g( x ) = g2( x ) virtual PolyMod & operator=( const PolyMod & g2 ) ; // Bounds checked indexing operator for read only access: // coeff = p[ i ] ; const ppuint operator[]( int i ) const ; // Multiply by x: g(x) := g(x) x (mod f( x ), p) void timesX() ; // Squaring: 2 // g(x) := g(x) (mod f( x ), p) void square() ; // Multiplication: g(x) := g(x) g2(x) (mod f( x ), p) PolyMod & operator*=( const PolyMod & g2 ) ; // Multiplication: g(x) := s(x) t(x) (mod f( x ), p) friend const PolyMod operator*( const PolyMod & s, const PolyMod & t ) ; // Special exponentiation: g(x) ^ m (mod f(x), p) // for g(x) = x only for now! friend const PolyMod power( const PolyMod & g, const BigInt & m ) ; bool isInteger() const ; //-----------------< Helper functions >------------------------------- const Polynomial getf() const ; const ppuint getModulus() const ; private: // Polynomial g(x). Polynomial g_ ; // Modulus polynomial f(x) and modulus p. Polynomial f_ ; // Two dimensional precomputed power table. // // Precompute the n-1 polynomials // // n 2n-2 // x ... x (mod f(x), p) // // n+i // powerTable_[ i ] = x (mod f(x), p) // vector powerTable_ ; ModP mod ; // modulo p functionoid. // Helper functions. Note the friend functions are really public due to C++ rules. protected: // Offset into powerTable. int inline offset( const int i ) const { return i - f_.deg() ; } // Power table of the polynomial. void constructPowerTable() ; // Reduce g( x ) mod f( x ) and p void modf() ; // Autoconvolution product. friend ppuint autoConvolve( const Polynomial & t, const int k, const int lower, const int upper ) ; // Convolution product. friend ppuint convolve( const Polynomial & s, const Polynomial & t, const int k, const int lower, const int upper ) ; // 2 // kth coeff of g (x) for degree n. friend ppuint coeffOfSquare( const Polynomial & g, const int k, const int n ) ; // Coeff of s(x) t(x) for degree n. friend ppuint coeffOfProduct( const Polynomial & s, const Polynomial & t, const int k, const int n ) ; } ; /*============================================================================= | | NAME | | PolyOrder | | DESCRIPTION | | Order tests on the monic polynomial f( x ) of degree n, | with coefficients in GF( p ). | | n n-1 | f( x ) = x + a x + ... + a 0 <= a < p | n-1 0 i | | Exceptions: throw PolynomialError or one of its subclasses such as | PolynomialRangeError. | | NOTES | | The member functions and friends are documented in ppPolynomial.hpp | +============================================================================*/ class PolyOrder { public: // Do tests on the nth degree polynomial f(x) modulo p. explicit PolyOrder( const Polynomial & f ) ; // n // p - 1 // Compute r = -------- and factor r into the product of primes // p - 1 void factorR() ; void computeMaxNumPoly() ; void computeNumPrimPoly() ; void resetPolynomial( const Polynomial &f ) ; // m r // Check that x (mod f(x), p) is not an integer for m = --- // p // i // but skip this test if p | (p-1). // i bool orderM() ; // r // Check if x (mod f(x), p) = a, for integer a. // If a is not an integer, return 0. ppuint orderR() ; // k n // Check if x = 1 (mod f(x), p) only for k = p - 1 // Note this is O( p^n ); very expensive. bool maximal_order() ; // Check if the monic polynomial f( x ) has 2 or more distinct factors. // Uses x_to_power(). bool hasMultipleDistinctFactors( bool earlyOut = true ) ; inline BigInt getR() const { return r_ ; } ; inline BigInt getNumPrimPoly() const { return num_prim_poly_ ; } ; inline BigInt getMaxNumPoly() const { return max_num_poly_ ; } ; // Test if a given polynomial f(x) is primitive. bool isPrimitive() ; // Test function. string printQMatrix() const ; inline int getNullity() const { return nullity_ ; } ; inline Factorization getFactorsOfR() const { return factors_of_R_ ; } // Allow direct access to this simple data type for convenience. public: OperationCount statistics_ ; protected: // Polynomial f(x) modulo p of degree n which is to be tested. Polynomial f_ ; ppuint n_ ; ppuint p_ ; ModP mod ; // n // p - 1 BigInt p_to_n_minus_1_ ; // n // p - 1 // r = ------- // p - 1 BigInt r_ ; // Constant factor a (see notes). ppuint a_ ; // n // Factorization of p - 1 Factorization factors_of_p_to_n_minus_1_ ; // Factorization of r. Factorization factors_of_R_ ; // Number of possible primitive polynomials. BigInt num_prim_poly_ ; // Total number of possible polynomials. BigInt max_num_poly_ ; // Two dimensional Q matrix for irreducibility testing. vector< vector > Q_ ; int nullity_ ; // Helper functions. protected: void generateQMatrix() ; void findNullity( bool earlyOut = true ) ; } ; #endif // __POLYNOMIAL_H__ --- End of wrapper for header file.