/*============================================================================== | | NAME | | ppArith.h | | DESCRIPTION | | Header file for miscellaneous integer multiple precision math routines. | | User manual and technical documentation are described in detail in my web page at | http://seanerikoconnor.freeservers.com/Mathematics/AbstractAlgebra/PrimitivePolynomials/overview.html | | LEGAL | | Primpoly Version 16.2 - A Program for Computing Primitive Polynomials. | Copyright (C) 1999-2024 by Sean Erik O'Connor. All Rights Reserved. | | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or | (at your option) any later version. | | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | GNU General Public License for more details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. | | The author's address is seanerikoconnor!AT!gmail!DOT!com | with the !DOT! replaced by . and the !AT! replaced by @ | ==============================================================================*/ // Wrap this header file to prevent duplication if it is included // accidentally more than once. #ifndef __PPARITH_H__ #define __PPARITH_H__ /*============================================================================= | | NAME | | ArithModPException | | DESCRIPTION | | Helper class for exceptions thrown by ArithModP. | +============================================================================*/ class ArithModPError : public runtime_error { public: // Throw with error message, file name and line number. ArithModPError( const string & description, const string & file, const int & line ) : runtime_error( description + " in file " + file + " at line " + to_string(line) ) { } ; // Throw with error message. ArithModPError( const string & description ) : runtime_error( description ) { } ; // Throw with no error message. ArithModPError() : runtime_error( "ArithModP exception: " ) { } ; } ; // end class ArithModPError /*============================================================================= | | NAME | | ArithModP | | DESCRIPTION | | Abstract classes for modulo p arithmetic operations on integers. | | ppuint p{ 2 ; | ppuint n{ 4 } ; | ppuint a0{ 14 } ; | ArithModP modp( p ) ; | modp.constCoeffIsPrimitiveRoot( a0, n ) ; | | NOTES | | Use the functionoid approach so we can (1) save state and (2) have | a function interface. | The member functions and friends are documented in detail ppArith.cpp | Prevent implicity integer type conversion with "explicit". | +============================================================================*/ class ArithModP { public: ArithModP() : p_( 2 ) {} ; explicit ArithModP( ppuint p ) : p_( p ) {} ; bool constCoeffTest( ppsint a, ppsint a0, int n ) ; bool constCoeffIsPrimitiveRoot( ppuint a0, int n ) ; protected: ppuint p_ ; // Modulus for all arithmetic operations. private: // Don't let anyone define the default constructor, // copy constructor or assignment // operator for this class. ArithModP( const ArithModP & ) ; ArithModP & operator=( const ArithModP & ) ; } ; /*============================================================================= | | NAME | | ModP | | DESCRIPTION | | Abstract classes for modulo p arithmetic operations on integers. | | ppuint p{ 7 } ; | ModP modp( p ) ; // Set p = 7 for all subsequent operations. | ppuint rem_33_mod_7 = modp( 33 ) ; // Use as a functionoid. | | NOTES | | Use the functionoid approach so we can (1) save state and (2) have | a function interface. | The member functions and friends are documented in detail ppArith.cpp | +============================================================================*/ template class ModP { public: explicit ModP( UIntType p ) { p_ = p ; } ; ModP( const ModP & mod ) : p_( mod.p_ ) { } void set( UIntType p ) { p_ = p ; } UIntType operator()( SIntType n ) ; protected: UIntType p_ ; // Modulus for all arithmetic operations. } ; /*============================================================================= | | NAME | | PowerMod | | DESCRIPTION | | Abstract classes for modulo p arithmetic operations on integers. | | ppuint p{ 7 } ; | PowerMod power_mod( p ) ; | ppuint threeToTheTenthmodp = power_mod( 3, 10 ) ; // Use as a functionoid. | | NOTES | | Use the functionoid approach so we can (1) save state and (2) have | a function interface. | The member functions and friends are documented in detail ppArith.cpp | +============================================================================*/ // Generic class. template class PowerMod { public: explicit PowerMod( const IntType & p ) : p_( p ) {} ; IntType operator()( const IntType & a, const IntType & n ) ; protected: IntType p_ ; // Modulus for all arithmetic operations. } ; /*============================================================================= | | NAME | | InverseModP | | DESCRIPTION | | Abstract classes for modulo p arithmetic operations on integers. | | InverseModP modp( p ) ; // Set p = 7 for all subsequent operations. | ppuint sevenmodp = modp( 33 ) ; // Use as a functionoid. | | | NOTES | | Use the functionoid approach so we can (1) save state and (2) have | a function interface. | The member functions and friends are documented in detail ppArith.cpp | +============================================================================*/ class InverseModP { public: explicit InverseModP( ppuint p ) { p_ = p ; } ; ppsint operator()( ppsint a ) ; protected: ppuint p_ ; // Modulus for all arithmetic operations. } ; /*============================================================================= | | NAME | | | | DESCRIPTION | | +============================================================================*/ class IsPrimitiveRoot { public: explicit IsPrimitiveRoot( ppuint p ) { p_ = p ; } ; bool operator()( ppuint a ) ; protected: ppuint p_ ; // Modulus for all arithmetic operations. } ; /*============================================================================= | | NAME | | Stand alone generic IntType functions: | gcd | addMod | timesTwoMod | multiplyMod | | DESCRIPTION | | GCD of nonnegative integer types. | +============================================================================*/ template IntType gcd( const IntType & u, const IntType & v ) ; template IntType addMod( IntType a, IntType b, IntType n ) ; template IntType timesTwoMod( IntType a, IntType n ) ; template IntType multiplyMod( const IntType a, const IntType b, const IntType n ) ; #endif // __PPARITH_H__